LMLK Type M2D Seals

Biblical Accounts
NonBiblical Accounts

x (cannot classify)


Personal Seals



Note:  The stray diagonal mark near the top of the seal (just to the left of the letter Kaf) may have been either a mistake or a deliberate vertical word divider (although it would have been a mistake based on all the other seals); the engraver might have begun writing on the wrong side of the seal (not thinking in mirror image).

Actual size:  30 x 22mm (1.2 x 0.9")

These impressions have been excavated from:
Note:  Stamp listings are in the following format:
Seal Type, Seal Orientation, Pottery Type, Incision Type

  1. M2D, 1:00, AGx, 0 from the West Semitic Research Project of the University of Southern California (click for detailed photos):

  2. M2D, 1:00, SGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#140; click for detailed photos):

  3. M2D, 1:00, SGx, x from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#175; click for detailed photos):

  4. M2D, 1:00, SGx, 0 formerly owned by Robert Deutsch--present location unknown (Auction 38 lot #250; LMLK Dotcom ID# 094; click for detailed photos):

  5. M2D, 1:00, Sxx, 0 from the private collection of Richard Wiskin (ID#1; click for detailed photos):

  6. M2D, 2:00, xxx, 0 from "Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem vol. 1" published by The Israel Exploration Society (Jerusalem Reg. No. 6642):

  7. M2D, 3:00, AGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#88; click for detailed photos):

  8. M2D, 3:00, AGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#83; click for detailed photos):

  9. M2D, 3:00, AGG, 0 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh M2339; click for detailed photos):

  10. Note:  This impression also appears in "Tell en-Nasbeh volume 1" by Chester McCown

  11. M2D, 3:00, SGC, 0 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 520; stamp # 210; museum ID# 60-13-92; click for detailed photos):

  12. M2D, 3:00, SGC, 0 from a private collection in Redondo Beach (ID#5; click for detailed photos):

  13. M2D, 3:00, SGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#86; click for detailed photos):

  14. M2D, 3:00, SGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#191; click for detailed photos):

  15. M2D, 3:00, SGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#89; click for detailed photos):

  16. M2D, 3:00, SGG, 0 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 487; stamp # 190; museum ID# 60-13-91; click for detailed photos):

  17. Note:  This impression also appears in "Hebrew Inscriptions and Stamps from Gibeon" by James B. Pritchard

  18. M2D, 3:00, SGG, 2 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 522; stamp # 212; museum ID# 60-13-44; click for detailed photos):

  19. M2D, 3:00, SGG, 2 from AASOR vol. 45 published by The American Schools of Oriental Research (Gibeah ID#, 5-04, L-171, 205):

  20. M2D, 3:00, SGG, 2 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh M2844, Room 141; click for detailed photos):

  21. M2D, 3:00, SGG, 4 reproduced by permission of the Palestine Exploration Fund in London, England (Jerusalem #140; click for details):

  22. M2D, 3:00, SGx, 0 at the Bible+Orient Museum (ID# VS 1995.2; click for detailed photos):

  23. M2D, 3:00, xxx, 0 from Jerusalem, Shiloh's City of David Reg. #E1-9529 (M28-CC8) at the IAA (#1996-3316):

  24. M2D, 3:00, xxx, 0 from Jerusalem, Kenyon's City of David Reg. #6796 at the IAA (#1968-1200):

  25. M2D, 3:00, xxx, 0 from Tel Sharti at the IAA (#1966-182):

  26. M2D, 3:00, xxx, 0 from "Excavations & Surveys in Israel 1988/89 vol. 7-8" by O. Yogev (from Jezreel; #160):

  27. M2D, 4:00, AGG, 0 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 105; stamp # 21; museum ID# 60-13-104; click for detailed photos):

  28. M2D, 4:00, AGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#186; click for detailed photos):

  29. M2D, 4:00, AGx, 0 from the private collection of Dan Gross (ID#3; click for detailed photos):

  30. M2D, 4:00, SGC, 0 at the McCormick Theological Seminary (Beth Zur Excavation #47, MTS #52; click for detailed photos):

  31. Note:  This impression also appears in:
    • BASOR 43 by O.R. Sellers & W.F. Albright
    • "The Citadel of Beth-Zur" by Ovid Rogers Sellers

  32. M2D, 4:00, SGC, 0 from a private collection in Boston (ID#2; click for detailed photos):

  33. M2D, 4:00, SGC, 0 formerly owned by Robert Deutsch--present location unknown (Auction 36 lot #239; LMLK Dotcom ID# 082; click for detailed photos):

  34. M2D, 4:00, SGC, 1 from the Bade Institute at the Pacific School of Religion (Nasbeh M1697; click for detailed photos):

  35. Note:  This impression also appears in "Tell en-Nasbeh volume 1" by Chester McCown

  36. M2D, 4:00, SGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#79; click for detailed photos):

  37. M2D, 4:00, SGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#84; click for detailed photos):

  38. M2D, 4:00, SGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#133; click for detailed photos):

  39. M2D, 4:00, SGx, 2; 15x9mm (0.59x0.35") circles from the private collection of Herbert B. Stearns (ID#12; click for detailed photos):

  40. M2D, 4:00, SGx, x at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 106; stamp # 22; museum ID# 60-13-89; click for detailed photos):

  41. M2D, 4:00, SGx, 0 formerly in the Chaya collection--present location unknown (LMLK Dotcom ID# 071; click for detailed photos):

  42. M2D, 4:00, Sxx, 0 formerly in the Chaya collection--present location unknown (LMLK Dotcom ID# 007):

  43. M2D, 4:00, SGx, 2 from PEQ 7-1941 published by The Palestine Exploration Fund (Lachish #7-15; RAEL #273; click for detailed photos):

  44. Note:  The black/white photo of this impression also appears in:
    • "L'Epigrafia Ebraica Antica 1935-1950" by Sabatino Moscati
    • "Lachish III (Tel ed-Duweir):  The Iron Age (Plates)" by Olga Tufnell
    The color photo appears in "The Lion Encyclopedia of the Bible" by Pat Alexander & Alan Millard, courtesy of The British Museum

  45. M2D, 4:00, xxx, 0 from the Brooklyn Museum of Art, lent by Harvey Herbert (ID#2; click for detailed photos):

  46. M2D, 4:00, xxx, 0 from Jerusalem, Kenyon's City of David Reg. #6801 at the IAA (#1968-1203; click for detailed photos):

  47. M2D, 4:00, xxx, 0 from The Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine vol. 14 by Geoffrey Cumberlege (C.N. Johns' Citadel excavations in Jerusalem):

  48. M2D, 4:00, xxx, 0 from "Excavations at Ramat Rahel:  Seasons 1959 & 1960" by Yohanan Aharoni (Ramat Rahel #2162-1; 29-12; IAA #1962-38):

  49. Note:  This impression also appears in:
    • BA vol. 24 #4 by Yohanan Aharoni
    • "Eretz-Israel vol. 15" by Andre Lemaire
    • "Handbook of Ancient Hebrew Inscriptions" by Shmuel Ahituv
    • "Inscriptions Reveal" by The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

  50. M2D, 5:00, SGC, 2; 13x8mm circles from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#85; click for detailed photos):

  51. M2D, 5:00, xxx, 0 from the "First Preliminary Report on the Excavations at Tel Gat" by Shemuel Yeivin (black & white photo; color photo is from a replica on display at The Spertus Museum in Chicago, but its placard describes it being from a fictitious excavation of Nasbeh; the name Tel Gat has been superceded by Tel 'Erani since it's unlikely that Biblical Gath was this far southwest & significantly more Israelite pottery was excavated there than Philistine):

  52. M2D, 5:00, xxx, 0 from Ramat Rahel, Reg. #7444 at the IAA (#1954-351):

  53. M2D, 6:00, AGG, 2; 12x7mm circles from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#78; click for detailed photos):

  54. M2D, 6:00, AGx, 0 formerly in the Chaya collection--present location unknown (LMLK Dotcom ID# 022; click for detailed photos):

  55. M2D, 6:00, Axx, 0 reproduced by permission of the Palestine Exploration Fund in London, England (Jerusalem #143):

  56. M2D, 7:00, SGx, 0 from the private collection of FPC Jackson (ID#2; click for detailed photos):

  57. M2D, 9:00, AGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#76; click for detailed photos):

  58. M2D, 9:00, AGx, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#87; click for detailed photos):

  59. M2D, 9:00, SGA, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#82; click for detailed photos):

  60. M2D, 9:00, SGC, 0 formerly owned by Robert Deutsch--present location unknown (LMLK Dotcom ID# 011; click for detailed photos):

  61. M2D, 9:00, SGG, 0 at the McCormick Theological Seminary (Beth Zur Excavation #291, MTS #56; click for detailed photos):

  62. M2D, 9:00, SGG, 0 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 995; stamp # 509; museum ID# 62-30-1133; click for detailed photos):

  63. M2D, 9:00, SGG, 0 from a private collection in Redondo Beach (ID#13; click for detailed photos):

  64. M2D, 9:00, SGA, 0 from a private collection in Redondo Beach (ID#20; click for detailed photos):

  65. M2D, 9:00, SGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#181; click for detailed photos):

  66. M2D, 9:00, SGx, 0 from the private collection of Jean-Paul Danon (ID#1; click for detailed photos):

  67. M2D, 9:00, SGx, 0 reproduced by permission of the Palestine Exploration Fund in London, England (#5561):

  68. M2D, 9:00, Sxx, 0 from the private collection of FPC Jackson (ID#1; click for detailed photos):

  69. M2D, 9:00, Sxx, 0 formerly owned by Robert Deutsch--present location unknown (LMLK Dotcom ID# 057; click for detailed photos):

  70. M2D, 9:00, xxx, 0 from Ramat Rahel, Reg. #6513-1 at the IAA (#1964-2685):

  71. M2D, 9:00, xxx, 0 from "Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem vol. 1" published by The Israel Exploration Society (Jerusalem Reg. No. 2084):

  72. M2D, 10:00, AGC, 0 from a private collection in Redondo Beach (ID#2; click for detailed photos):

  73. Note:  This impression also appears in "LMLK--A Mystery Belonging to the King vol. 1" by G.M. Grena

  74. M2D, 10:00, AGC, 0 from a private collection in Redondo Beach (ID#24; click for detailed photos):

  75. M2D, 10:00, AGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#77; click for detailed photos):

  76. M2D, 10:00, SGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#106; click for detailed photos):

  77. M2D, 10:00, SGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#114; click for detailed photos):

  78. M2D, 10:00, SGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#166; click for detailed photos):

  79. M2D, 10:00, SGC, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#171; click for detailed photos):

  80. M2D, 10:00, SGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#119; click for detailed photos):

  81. M2D, 10:00, SGx, 0 from the private collection of Herbert B. Stearns (ID#2; click for detailed photos):

  82. M2D, 10:00, SGx, x at the University of Pennsylvania Museum (Gibeon field # 486; stamp # 189; museum ID# 60-13-90; click for detailed photos):

  83. Note:  This impression also appears in:
    • "The Ancient Near East in Pictures Relating to the Old Testament (2nd ed. w/ supplement)" by James B. Pritchard
    • "The Ancient Near East vol. 2" by James B. Pritchard
    • "Hebrew Inscriptions and Stamps from Gibeon" by James B. Pritchard

  84. M2D, 10:00, xxx, 0 from Jerusalem, Kenyon's City of David Reg. #6794 at the IAA (#1968-1206):

  85. M2D, 10:00, xxx, 0 from Gezer, Reg. #1738 at the IAA (#1974-906):

  86. M2D, 10:00, xxx, 0 from "Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem vol. 1" published by The Israel Exploration Society (Jerusalem Reg. No. 3891-1):

  87. M2D, 10:00, xxx, 2 from the University of Pennsylvania Museum Photo Archives (Gibeon field # 499; stamp # 197; click for detailed photos):

  88. Note:  This impression also appears in "Hebrew Inscriptions and Stamps from Gibeon" by James B. Pritchard

  89. M2D, 10:00, xxx, x from "Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem vol. 1" published by The Israel Exploration Society (Jerusalem Reg. No. 3464):

  90. Note:  This impression also appears in:
    • "Discovering Jerusalem" by Nahman Avigad
    • Ministry vol. 64 #7 by Randall W. Younker

  91. M2D, 10:00, xxx, x from "Excavations at Ramat Rahel:  Seasons 1959 & 1960" by Yohanan Aharoni (Ramat Rahel #1448-1; 29-11):

  92. Note:  This impression also appears in:
    • BA vol. 32 #5 by Gabriel Barkay
    • "Il Colle di Rachele" by Giovanni Garbini

  93. M2D, 11:00, SGG, 0 from the private collection of Michael Welch (ID#80; click for detailed photos):

  94. M2D, 11:00, Sxx, x from the private collection in Korea (ID# 323):

  95. M2D, x:00, xxx, x from "Qedem:  Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 41" by Donald T. Ariel & Yair Shoham, distributed by The Israel Exploration Society (Shiloh's City of David; Jerusalem M25, D2-13820):

  96. M2D, x:00, xxx, x from "Qedem:  Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 41" by Donald T. Ariel & Yair Shoham, distributed by The Israel Exploration Society (Shiloh's City of David; Jerusalem M26, D2-13631):

  97. M2D, x:00, xxx, x from "Qedem:  Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 41" by Donald T. Ariel & Yair Shoham, distributed by The Israel Exploration Society (Shiloh's City of David; Jerusalem M27, D2-13661):

  98. M2D, x:00, xxx, x from "Qedem:  Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 41" by Donald T. Ariel & Yair Shoham, distributed by The Israel Exploration Society (Shiloh's City of David; Jerusalem M45, E2-1691):

  99. M2D, x:00, xxx, 2 from "Excavations at Ramat Rahel:  Seasons 1959 & 1960" by Yohanan Aharoni (Ramat Rahel #1284-1; 30-1):

  100. M2D, x:00, xxx, x from "Excavations at Ramat Rahel:  Seasons 1961 & 1962" by Yohanan Aharoni (Ramat Rahel #8119-1; 39-8):

  101. M2D, x:00, xxx, x from "Excavations at Ramat Rahel:  Seasons 1961 & 1962" by Yohanan Aharoni (Ramat Rahel #6566-1; 39-9):

  102. M2D, x:00, xxx, x from "Excavations at Ramat Rahel:  Seasons 1961 & 1962" by Yohanan Aharoni (Ramat Rahel #4285-1; 39-10):

"I will abide in Your tabernacle forever; I will trust in the shelter of Your wings."--Psalm 61:4
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This page was created on May 8, 2002, & last updated on November 24, 2011